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News from our alumni - recent book out 'Clean Water for Developing Countries'

02 Mar 2020 1:37 PM | Vanessa Adams (Administrator)

One of our members, John Dracup, has a new book out: 'Clean water for Developing Countries'

About John:

John Dracup was born and raised in Seattle, Washington, where his parents settled because the climate reminded them of their native Glasgow, Scotland. He is a civil engineer and hydrologist. He holds degrees in Civil Engineering from the University of Washington, Seattle, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge and the University of California, Berkeley. In 2001, he was a Fulbright Scholar to Australia. He has taught water resource engineering and hydrology at both the University of California, Los Angeles and the University of California, Berkeley for over 50 years.

If you want your own copy of the book it's available on 39,000 sites including major sellers:

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Australia Fulbright Alumni Association. ACT Registered No. A01934. ABN 99 730 723 674, PO Box 5037, University of TAS LPO, Sandy Bay, TAS 7005.

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