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Australian Fulbright Alumni Association 

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The conference will feature a keynote by Prof Bob Carr, a panel session with distinguish Fulbright alumni, and concurrent sessions with inspiring talks from a range of disciplines. A schedule overview is below.

For a detailed program please download the program PDF.

To learn more about our speakers visit our speaker profiles.

 5:45pm Registration desk opens
 6:00pm Opening social - Salon: Challenges for Liveability in Australia's cities: Have we reached a tipping point?
 8:30am Registration desk opens
 9:00am Welcome to country
 9:10am Welcome and opening by AFAA President Dr Iain Butterworth
 9:45am Keynote by Prof Bob Carr
 10:45am Morning tea
 11:30am Concurrent sessions  - Environmental sustainability and Social and economic prosperity
 12:30pm Lunch
 Concurrent sessions- Cultural vibrancy and Social justice
 Afternoon tea
 3:30pm Panel Q&A with distinguished alumni  - Where do we need leadership most?
 4:30pm Closing and ways forward by AFAA President Dr Iain Butterworth

Connect. Support. Share. Inspire.

Australia Fulbright Alumni Association. ACT Registered No. A01934. ABN 99 730 723 674, PO Box 5037, University of TAS LPO, Sandy Bay, TAS 7005.

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