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Australian Fulbright Alumni Association 

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The Australian Fulbright Alumni Association (AFAA) invites Fulbright Australian and American Alumni to connect with one of the most prestigious alumni associations in the country. Have your say and be involved as we undergo an exciting period of growth and revitalisation. We offer regular and retired membership rates for annual ($50, $30), five year ($220, $130) and lifetime durations ($750, $450).  For friends of the Fulbright program we now offer a Friends of Fulbright annual membership ($50.00) available to members of the public.

Join AFAA or renew your membership to enjoy benefits which include:

  • Membership of a globally-connected and internationally-recognised organisation;
  • Valuable access to a supportive community of former scholars;
  • Regular networking and social opportunities;
  • Supporting a new generation of Fulbright scholars with your sponsorship of the Fulbright Australian Alumni (W.G. Walker) Scholarship (awarded annually to the highest-ranking postgraduate applicant). 25% of all membership dues are donated directly to the fund on an annual basis;
  • Chapters located in Australia.

Australian-American Fulbright Students and Scholars from both Australia and the United States who finished their scholarship year in the past year can claim a one-year free membership.

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Connect. Support. Share. Inspire.

Australia Fulbright Alumni Association. ACT Registered No. A01934. ABN 99 730 723 674, PO Box 5037, University of TAS LPO, Sandy Bay, TAS 7005.

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