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Australian Fulbright Alumni Association 

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AGM 2021 wrap-up

02 Jul 2021 3:15 PM | Vanessa Adams (Administrator)

We held our 2021 AGM via Zoom on Wednesday 14th April. At this meeting, Iain Butterworth reminded attendees that his term as President was due to expire in 2021 and that the time had come to recruit a new President. (A purpose of the Leadership Summit is to help engage alumni in preparing for AFAA leadership roles.)

We also discussed the Leadership Development Program proposal and voted to invest $5000 of AFAA’s funds to kick-start the Mentoring program (see below for more information). Soon we will be forming the Leadership Steering Committee to support Peter Jarvis to lead this initiative.

The following people accepted the following roles:

       Iain Butterworth- President (for 6 months)

       Vanessa Adams - Treasurer

       Caroline Smith - Secretary

       Angela Heise - General member

       Peter Jarvis - General member

       Rod Kennett - General member

       Jon Adams - General member

Connect. Support. Share. Inspire.

Australia Fulbright Alumni Association. ACT Registered No. A01934. ABN 99 730 723 674, PO Box 5037, University of TAS LPO, Sandy Bay, TAS 7005.

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