It's time for our annual AGM. We will host this on zoom this year given there continue to be COVID related disruptions to travel and in person events. Our 2020 AGM zoom meeting was well attended so we hope to see many of you online. Please note we have positions on the committee open (VP and general members) so please consider self nominating!
Agenda (relevant papers will be circulated prior to the meeting):
- Minutes from 2020 meeting - Secretary Caroline Smith (voting item to accept minutes as true record) (see attached paper)
- Treasurer's report - Treasurer - Vanessa Adams (voting item to accept minutes as true record) (see attached)
- Walker Fund - Treasurer Vanessa Adams and sub-comittee lead Susanita Dudley
- 2021 proposed leadership events for discussion and membership vote to endorse for further scoping (see attached paper)
- Committee members - would you like to serve -please self nominate (we have Vice President and general member seats open to fill). We will confirm all nominations (ongoing and new positions) during the meeting by membership vote. We will discuss vacant seats and strategy to fill (please nominate if you have a desire to serve). This will include currently open VP and general member seats as well as President role.
- Discussion of Committee structure and need to recruit in new members as legacy measure.
- Related discussion around membership participation and barriers (such as fees) - discussed in 2019 - minutes and outcomes from that AGM will be available for guiding discussion
- Other matters