This event is kindly sponsored by the Australian American Fulbright Commission through a Fulbright Alumni Engagement Program Grant. This support will allow us to provide fish and chips for all attendees.
There will be drinks and light nibbles on arrival (12pm) and then those interested can go for a stroll down the esplanade to help carry back the fish and chips around 12:30-1pm (fish and chips catering is provided through the Commission support). If weather permits, anyone interested can enjoy a dip in the ocean as well.
A note on how to find the location from Janet:
It is easy to come by a ferry to Taronga Zoo wharf which leaves at 20 mins past or 10 mins to the hour from Circular Quay. A bus (238 ) meets the ferry at the Taronga Zoo wharf and brings you to the Esplanade at Balmoral opposite Hunter Park. Almora Street runs off the Esplanade on left hand side of the park and No.6 is the third block of units (blue) along with 1 tall palm tree in front. A bus, no. 245, leaves from Carrington Street, directly behind Wynyard train station once an hour, usually about 40 minutes past the hour and will bring you down to Hunter Park. If you are coming from the north side of the harbour, a bus (257) runs from Chatswood station to Balmoral also, with many stops along Military Road.
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Australia Fulbright Alumni Association. ACT Registered No. A01934. ABN 99 730 723 674, PO Box 5037, University of TAS LPO, Sandy Bay, TAS 7005.