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Australian Fulbright Alumni Association 

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  • Australian Fulbright Alumni Association Annual General Meeting

Australian Fulbright Alumni Association Annual General Meeting

  • 01 Apr 2016
  • 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Seminar Room 515, Melbourne School of Population and Global Health Level 5, 207 Bouverie Street University of Melbourne VIC 3010


Registration is closed

The Australian Fulbright Alumni Association Annual General Meeting will be held the evening of April 1 in Melbourne, starting at 5:30pm. 

The location details are:

Seminar Room 515
Melbourne School of Population and Global Health
Level 5, 207 Bouverie Street University of Melbourne VIC 3010

All members were provided with AGM agenda and papers on February 23. If you would like to receive these again please email and we will provide them. Voting items include the proposed ammendements to the AFAA Constituion and nomintations for Committee roles. 

We are still accepting nominations so please consider nominating yourself. It's a great way to serve your Alumni community and it can be good fun! 

All members wishing to attend the AGM may attend in person or by teleconference. Please RSVP at our event page

Dial in details are:

Dial-in Number: +61 (0) 3 9028 0260
Participant Access Code: 447498

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Australia Fulbright Alumni Association. ACT Registered No. A01934. ABN 99 730 723 674, PO Box 5037, University of TAS LPO, Sandy Bay, TAS 7005.

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